3.3 Citation impact

Figure 3.3.1 presents the average of citations per publication for each Region corresponding to the 5-year period 2014-2018. Publications of Kriti, Ipeiros, and Voreio/Notio Aigaio achieve the highest performance.


Figure 3.3.1



Figure 3.3.2 presents the number of publications and citations for each Region and the relevant field-normalised citation score corresponding to the 5-year period 2014-2018. When referring to the field normalised citation score or “citation score”, we point out to the number of citations that publications per Region received compared to the world average of citations received over the same time period and per scientific field. The normalisation was processed at the level of each publication according to the 253 NSI scientific subject fields. In the case that an article would be categorized in more than one subject fields, a mean value for the fields was calculated. The citation score was calculated using software developed by EKT. A value greater than 1, indicated that the impact of publications was higher than the world average.

Publications of Region of Sterea Ellada achieved the highest citation score with a value of 2.42, well above the world average, followed by publications of Region of Peloponnisos. The fact that publications from all Regions -except Ionia Nisia- achieve a performance higher than the world average should be highlighted, here. 


Figure 3.3.2
